• +91 9986386836
  • saileshwergokhale@gmail.com
  • AMFI Registered Mutual Fund Distributor - ARN 113332

Financial Planning

Financial Planning

It is the process of meeting your financial goals through the proper management of your finances. Financial goals can include buying a home, savings for your child’s education, planning for your retirement or estate planning.

We help you to work out on where you are now, what you may need in the future and what you must do to reach your goal by the process that involves gathering relevant financial information, setting financial goals, examining your current financial status and coming up with a strategy for a plan on how you can meet with your goals, and map the gap.

Benefits Of Financial Planning:

Financial planning provides direction and meaning to financial decisions. It allows the client to understand how each financial decision they make affects other areas of their finances.

Holistic financial decisions always helps clients to meet their short and long term financial goals.

Financial planning is very important for every individual. The savings is important and the saying “save for the rainy days” is apt for every individual.

For eg, buying a particular investment product might help them to pay off their mortgage loan faster or plan for earlier than the standard retirement.

A Good financial planning keeps clients feel safe and secure in achieving their short and long term plans in their life.

You Pay For It Because:

  • Quality advise from a qualified professional
  • Proper channeling of money and avoid wrong investment
  • A detailed unbiased discussion prior to investment plan
  • Advice from the professional team of experts and relieve your botheration

Our Process

Our approach to financial planning is simple and straightforward. However, it is also important that you fully understand our consultative process and our step by step approach.

Evaluate Current Position

In the first stage of our interaction, we will discuss evaluating your current update on your cash flow analysis, calculating your net worth, reviewing your insurance coverage for life, disability, home, auto and health.

Identify Goals

We then go about clearly establishing the objectives of the financial planning and strike a balanced approach to meet short, medium and long-term and will include child’s education, marriage, your retirement etc.

Work Out the Plan

We then work out a clear strategy in line with your objectives and risk tolerance. Drawing up a winning asset allocation so that your financial goals are met which is fundamental to a successful plan.

Implement the Plan

We will assist you in the process of implementing the plan by suggesting the optimal mix of products and services that are essential for the success of the plan.

Report Periodically

Once the plan is implemented we will monitor the progress on an on-going basis. We will periodically report the progress and measure the results achieved vis-à-vis the plan.

Review & Rebalance

Financial planning is a dynamic process. We will annually review the plan and progress made, to see if any modifications are required due to changes like inheritance, change in job status, birth or death in the family etc.